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Cameron Highlands Trip

金馬侖高原Cameron Highlands (Land Rover 的世界)
吉隆坡東北約60公里處的金馬崙高原,是馬來西亞著名的山區度假中心。金馬崙高原的高度約為海拔1524公尺,而且高山空氣涼爽清新,是極佳的休閒度假勝地。氣溫約在10~21℃.高原主要包括三個小鎮〈Ringlet〉,〈Tanah Rata〉,〈Brinchang〉,酒店有很多。特產是茶 (BOH TEA ),疏菜和草莓..
Cameron Highlands Resort
Deluxe RM 621 ++per room per night

Strawberry Park Resort
Lots 195 & 196, 39000 ,Tanah Rata,Cameron Highlands, Pahang Darul Makmur, Malaysia.
Tel : 05-4911166,4911174
Studio with Breakfast RM 226++

The Smoke House
P. O. Box 77, Tanah Rata 39007
Junior Suite From RM400+ to RM680+



我買了一个熱烘烘的 来吃。 RM 3. 好贵!
The T cafe (在Tanah Rata Marry Brown楼上)
Scone是英國人很普遍的甜品﹐T cafe 弄得很好吃,一杯草莓熱紅茶,一口Scone,可以換來開心的一天。Cream scone RM 2.50 , Strawberry fruity scone RM 2.80 .Apple pie 苹果派 RM3.60. Strawberry Tea RM 2.80.
这才是真正的high tea,
high/高 + tea / 茶 =高山上喝茶。。。舒服。

Father's Guest House - Cameron Highlands P.O. Box 15, 39007 Tanah Rata, Cameron Highlands, Pahang
Tel: (05) 4912484, (012) 5014799, Fax: (05) 4915484, 4915584
Range Rover , Discovery , Defender 110.
在Father's Guest house我看到很多洋人,可能是背包客。
Dorm Beds ( Single Beds)RM8.00 - RM10.00
Double Room Shared ShowersRM20.00 - RM30.00
Double Room with WC & FanRM35.00 - RM88.00
Room for 3RM27.00 - RM55.00 The Bala's holiday chalet
Lot 55, Tanah Rata, 39000 Cameron HighlandsPahang, Malaysia
Tel : 05-4911660 Fax: 05-4914500
The Bala's入口 Room Rates
Superior room (2 pax) RM120
Deluxe room (2 pax) RM160
Raffles room (2 pax) RM180
Raffles Suite (2 pax) RM 250
Family (3 - 4 pax) RM 180 - RM 220
Family Suite (4 - 6 pax) RM 250 - RM 330
Executive Suite (4 - 6pax) RM 350 - RM 380
古色古香的英國式別墅 。


馬來西亞最大的生產商 Boh Tea的種植園,因為英國人特別愛紅茶的關係,所以悉心栽種優良的紅茶,回來後,我後悔當時一包都沒賣!。。千萬別忘了买這項名產回家。

像不像地毯 ???

Gunung Brinchang,海拔2032公尺
在Equotorial Resort附近的一個市場旁,當地老字號餐館 Restoran Strawbrry View 美景火锅,RM 16 net.香脆甜美的蔬菜 可以加到饱。。。

我们是住在这里Hill View Inn ,RM 77 net.

后面是Jurina Hill Lodge ,$ ?????




What i learn from travelling.

When travelling to other countries,we expect to meet different people,see different sights and different things.However ,the most valuable learning that comes from travelling is not to know that we are different but more to seek the common needs and feelings we share. Travelling to new cultures and networking with strangers teaches us as much about ourselves as it does about others. The challenge of new experiences will push our personal barriers back.Coping with situations that have not been previously encountered can show us that we are capable of achieving or succeeding at so much more than we have expected to do so. "Say is easier than done"...... Being exposed to different cultures while travelling can show to us things about our own culture, things we have neither appreciated nor understood.Spending time with friends from another culture will challenge stereotypes that we may have held for a long time. Some of these stereotypes can be negative and outdated.Some of the greatest joys of travel are gained from finding that our preconceptions of people,their countries and cultures were wrong.In this case,being in a different county might well allow us to meet,learn and challenge our preconceptions of people from a variety of background.In this way,we will find the common areas we have with the other cultures and people.When that happens,we will be brought closer togerther.